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Name: 晓婷
From: Zhongshan中山, GUANGDONG广东, China
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    星期二, 1月 30, 2007,6:05 下午
    ohh , today i was sleeping and i have my pc switch on , EACY try talk with me but i couldnt lisen her, sending me sounds, but something tell me wake up, wake up... in this moment MY ting start write me in MSN, ohh she writes me in her night , at 6 :00 in my morning. i dont know why i wake up!!! sometimes i cant understand...
    but finally i'm very very happy we can talk a little but we can talk!!! she told me tomorrow she will try talk more time in LAS VEGAS. very very good.
    but i start write this now, normal i write in my afternoon, because something is in my inside , my six sense, something no good, i want help TING in this bad feeling , but i CANT, for first time i must wait, i must wait her, and i think something will happen...
    i cant tell you nothing , we cant talk and i must wait , in this moment i need ask you 1110 questions!!!
    About EACY , help me a lot today also with ZHIRUI, i tought when you arent in office they cant help me , but today i passed good moments with UNCLE, EACY, BETTY and YI, when girls were alone we laught alot , i cant belive betty was soo shiny... je je je
    ohh and i want tell you something , BETTY told me she isnt your Mishu , that you have your EACY , je je je ... i think you lost your secretary because EACY IS MINE!!! and BETTY DONT WANT BE YOURS!!!! jejeje
    posted by JVC
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    ,7:55 上午

    i want tell you, while i was watching this film i feel something special for the music when i was looking for the BSO in internet i have a big surprise , MICK JAGGER , JOSS STONE, etc...

    my god , thats why i feel something when i was watching the film all my favourites singers !!!!

    posted by JVC
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    星期一, 1月 29, 2007,7:54 下午
    2nd DAY MONDAY
    i started write that because i dont want forget nothing, i want tell you when i was in spanish night , first i talked with JANNET , she help me the first.( i like lisen your voice in the airport , i hope you call me again when arrive USA)
    she is a good friend but i want tell you i also talked with YUN and with EACY , my mishu, je je je today she was a very good person, she helped me a lot , we talked about our work and a little about personal things, only a little. she wanted explain me the meanning of zhi ji, you knows i cant type in chinese.
    But really i feel lonely. MY GOD With it small that you are and the emptiness that I feel when you arent there!!
    i'll finish telling you about my day this night when i'll back from chinese class!!

    hei , i just finish to watch a film and i want put in the blog the song from this film, i love it!!
    well, very good day in chinese class , also my teacher explained me the meaning of the word that you write to me ZHI JI, and i got very happy to recive your sms telling me that you arrive to usa and also got very happy when we talked but your voice sounds cold and the normal all people near you screaming , well now i'll go look for the song and try sleep because today (tuesday, now are 0:45 spain/7:45 china) i must talk with OUR brother in factory, and my "mishu" EACY will translate us !! MY GOD , back early!! je je je
    posted by JVC
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    ,7:58 上午
    1st DAY SUNDAY
    sunday, sad sunday the day started very bad, when i was thinking it was one of the worst days in my life you do something that changed all, i passed all day studying chinese and thinking... thinking alot.
    i want tell you , i talked a lot with sana, very good day with her , we decided something very important for us.
    But now i feel strange, now is monday morning in zhongshan, 8:00 am , 01:00 am spain and i'm in bed waiting, but what?? you arent
    posted by JVC
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    星期六, 1月 27, 2007,12:29 下午
    lucie silvas & antonio orozco
    posted by JVC
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    星期五, 1月 26, 2007,11:51 下午
    爱亦如此  爱过都会懂,
    posted by 晓婷
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    星期六, 1月 20, 2007,12:20 下午
    Close your eyes,give me your hand, darling
    Do you feel my heart beating
    Do you understand
    Do you feel the same
    Am I only dreaming
    Is this burning an eternal flame
    I believe it's meant to be, darling
    I watch you when you are sleeping
    You belong with me
    Do you feel the same
    Am I only dreaming
    Or is this burning an eternal flame
    Say my name
    sun shines through the rain
    A whole life so lonely
    And then you come and ease the pain
    I don't want to lose this feeling
    Say my name
    sun shines through the rain
    A whole life so lonely
    And then you come and ease the pain
    I don't want to lose this feeling
    Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    Do you feel my heart beating
    Do you understand
    Do you feel the same
    Am I only dreaming
    But is this burning an eternal flame

    posted by JVC
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    星期二, 1月 16, 2007,8:05 下午
    ting i want you meet, LAIA & JOEL cousin a beautiful girl that born in december!! her mother, MAIDO just put some pics in MY blog, please visit it and look her!!!
    www.nosaltres.net or http://tallerdilusions.blogspot.com
    Also i want tell you the meaning of her name is a valencian name that in spanish means LUNA, in english MOON , in chinese .... i know but in this pc i cant write it!!!

    please visit the blog!!
    posted by JVC
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    星期三, 1月 10, 2007,10:50 下午


    this post was created by TING , she had problems to post it then i do it for her!!!
    posted by JVC
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    星期二, 1月 09, 2007,8:31 下午
    Dear ting , this morning when you told me if i can look for you the ETERNAL FRAME, i tought you want this old version, i love it and this musican group was one of my favorites,when i had 15 years old, this was one of my favorites songs , and i want tell you i loved the singer , well really i was loved her eyes!!!!JE JE JE

    down i put the version that you aske me !! the ATOMIC KITTEN VERSION!!!!
    posted by JVC
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    ,8:26 下午
    posted by JVC
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    ,3:30 下午
    从前,有一个脾气很坏的男孩.他的爸爸给了他一袋钉子,告诉他,每次发脾气或 者跟人吵架的时候,就在院子的篱笆上钉一根。第一天,男孩钉了37根钉子。后面的几 天他学会了控制自己的脾气,每天钉的钉子也逐渐减少了。他发现,控制自己的脾气, 实际上比钉钉子要容易的多。终于有一天,他一根钉子都没有钉,他高兴的把这件事告 诉了爸爸。  
     爸爸说:"从今以后,如果你一天都没有发脾气,就可以在这天拔掉一根钉子." 日 子一天一天过去,最后,钉子全被拔光了。爸爸带他来到篱笆边上,对他说:"儿子, 你做得很好,可是看看篱笆上的钉子洞,这些洞永远也不可能恢复了。就象你和一个人 吵架,说了些难听的话,你就在他心里留下了一个伤口,像这个钉子洞一样。"插一把 刀子在一个人的身体里,再拔出来,伤口就难以愈合了。无论你怎么道歉,伤口总是在 那儿。要知道,身体上的伤口和心灵上的伤口一样都难以恢复了。。。。
    posted by 晓婷
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    星期二, 1月 02, 2007,2:33 下午
    posted by 晓婷
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