ohh , today i was sleeping and i have my pc switch on , EACY try talk with me but i couldnt lisen her, sending me sounds, but something tell me wake up, wake up... in this moment MY ting start write me in MSN, ohh she writes me in her night , at 6 :00 in my morning. i dont know why i wake up!!! sometimes i cant understand...
but finally i'm very very happy we can talk a little but we can talk!!! she told me tomorrow she will try talk more time in LAS VEGAS. very very good.
but i start write this now, normal i write in my afternoon, because something is in my inside , my six sense, something no good, i want help TING in this bad feeling , but i CANT, for first time i must wait, i must wait her, and i think something will happen...
i cant tell you nothing , we cant talk and i must wait , in this moment i need ask you 1110 questions!!!
About EACY , help me a lot today also with ZHIRUI, i tought when you arent in office they cant help me , but today i passed good moments with UNCLE, EACY, BETTY and YI, when girls were alone we laught alot , i cant belive betty was soo shiny... je je je
ohh and i want tell you something , BETTY told me she isnt your Mishu , that you have your EACY , je je je ... i think you lost your secretary because EACY IS MINE!!! and BETTY DONT WANT BE YOURS!!!! jejeje